1.1a: Describe your main duties and responsibilities as a care assistant

The task of a care assistant is to provide complete care and support to the person requiring such services. As a result, the primary duty and responsibility of a care assistant include providing care and support, working as a part of a team, ensuring that complete safety is maintained while providing support, and maintaining complete confidentiality. A care worker is therefore required to work in a person centred way, and look towards building positive relationships by way of ensuring smooth communication. A critical analysis of important duties and responsibilities of a care assistant is performed as follows:

Help in carrying our primary tasks

This is one of the primary role of a care assistant which includes providing assistance to elderly or disabled people in undertaking practical day to day task which include washing, dressing and going to toilet, providing assistance in financial activities such as paying bills, doing shopping for the client, and also assisting them with all their medication needs by providing them timely medicines. This indicates that complete support is required to be given to clients by care workers, in performing their social and physical activities properly. They are also required to accept clients with their eating activities such as offering them meals, and taking care of their regular diet by providing them nutritious food which is good for their health performance.

Assist in keeping a check on health performance

This is another important role that is required to be carried out by a worker in facilitating better care to clients. They are required to monitor the client on a regular basis and perform activities such as taking the temperature, pulse rate, weight, providing medications on time, and maintaining proper stock of medicines to take care of their complete health performance. They are also required to make appointments with care specialists and assist clients in getting properly checked for their health performance on a regular basis.

Supporting individual with shopping and attending appointments

A care worker is also required to provide support in relation to shopping requirements of the client. Shopping is essential for everyone because in everyday life, there are many things required, and assisting in shopping is one of the responsibilities that care workers are required to carry out as a part of their care support to clients. In addition to this, attending appointments is also an important responsibility that a care worker is required to carry out on behalf of the client. They are required to make clients ready for appointments of different types, whether it is a medical appointment or any other type of appointment.

These are the main duties and responsibilities that the care worker is required to carry out as a part of fulfilling their obligation towards the client. In order to perform these duties and responsibilities, there are specific skills and abilities required on the part of the care worker, and this will form a part of discussion in the next unit of care certificate standard. To get further assistance on duties and responsibilities of care worker, ask for do my assignment for me UK services of Student Life Saviour.

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