Bags Unlimited is currently in the process of finalising Answers

Question 1: ( 20 marks ) Bags Unlimited is currently in the process of finalising their financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018. The following events occurred since 1 January 2019 and 28 February 2019: A. Current tax expense of R20 000 had been incorrectly debited to revenue in 2018. B. A debtor that owed Bags Unlimited R100 000 at year-end was in […]

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Sandra Cruise is an ordinary resident Assignment Answers

QUESTION ONE ( 30 Marks) Sandra Cruise is an ordinary resident in a northern-hemisphere country. She has been retired for a number of years. She is 69 years old. She does not enjoy the cold northern-hemisphere winter and has therefore, each year, travelled to Cape Town where she stays in a holiday cottage from 1 October each year until 31 March the following year. She […]

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Costa Ltd is a company with a 30 June year end Answers

Question 1 (50 marks) Costa Ltd is a company with a 30 June year end. The following information relates to Costa Ltd and its subsidiary Jumbo for the year ended 30 June 20.22.   Costa Ltd Jumbo Ltd   Dr Cr Dr Cr Property at cost 600 000   160 000   Equipment at cost 300 000   180 000   Inventories 100 000   […]

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ENG 2A Assignment Two: Welcome to Our Hillbrow Answers

Essay question 1 “If you were still alive, Refent˘se, child of Tiragalong,you would be glad that Bafana Bafana lost to Francein the 1998 Soccer World Cup fiasco. Of courseyou supported the squad. But at least now, you wouldexperience no hardships walking to your flat throughthe streets of Hillbrow – that locality of just over onesquare kilometre,according to official records; andaccording to its inhabitants, at least […]

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Statement of Changes in Equity for Afrox Ltd Answers

REQUIRED Study the information provided below and answer the following questions: 1.1 Explain the change that possibly took place during 2022 in respect of:   1.1.1 Long-term borrowings (2 marks) 1.1.2 Property, plant and equipment. (2 marks) 1.2 Calculate the administrative expenses for 2022. (2 marks) 1.3 Was there a change to the company tax rate of Afrox Ltd during 2022? Explain. (2 marks) 1.4 […]

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BBA4123 Business Accounting Assignment Answers

QUESTION 1 Part A Queen started her business, Queen Yoga and Gym Centre on 1 January 2024. The following transactions occurred in March and April 2024 and was recorded by Queen to be updated into the accounts book: Date                                                               Activities Mar 1    Hired a new gym coach at RM3,000 per month. 3    Purchased gym equipment costing RM10,000 and paid RM1,500 by cash. The remaining balance […]

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A large steel manufacturing industry Assignment Answers

QUESTION 1 Suppose a large steel manufacturing industry consists of D identical firms and the market demand curve is 𝑃𝑃 = 𝑘𝑘 − 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚. Each firm’s total cost is 0.5𝑐𝑐2 + 1. (a) Find the Cournot equilibrium quantity per firm. (5 marks) (b) Find the Cournot equilibrium market quantity and price. (3 marks) c) Find the Monopoly market quantity, markup, and elasticity of demand. (3 […]

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ZTG1502 Assignment on Poultry Housing Answers

Question 1 [19] 1.1 What are the three basic factors you would consider for poultry housing? (3) 1.2 What are the two methods used for assessing egg quality? (2) 1.3 What are the two types of intensive systems used when poultry is kept indoors? Give a brief description of each. (7) 1.4 Good hygiene is one of the most important preventive measures that can be […]

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Labour Law Assignment Answers by Experts

QUESTION 1 The employee suffered from constant migraines and anxiety, which damaged the employee’s health and affected the employee’s sleep. As cannabis was decriminalized for private use (Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development v Prince 2018 6 SA 393 (CC)), the employee switched from medicinal tablets to cannabis oil and rolled cannabis to attain the same outcomes. The employee used cannabis recreationally for insomnia and […]

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GSOB8FR Financial Reporting and Analysis Assessment Answers

Question One In class, we have scoured the financial results of numerous JSE-listed South African public companies, including several chain store retailers. One of these, Pick n Pay Holdings Limited, operates Pick n Pay Clothing in 277 stand-alone clothing stores, as well as in 21 Hypermarkets and 163 Supermarkets. An entrant to this channel that may be considered “late to the party” is Shoprite Holdings […]

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