Question 1 
You have been promoted as a manager within your policing/law enforcement agency. As a manager you need to understand the indispensable function of organising and the obstacles to delegation within the management process.
Do research on the importance of organising and the obstacles to delegation as a management function within an organisation and compile a report in which you cover the following:
A brief introduction: provide your understanding of organising and delegation and indicate what you will be discussing. (5)
Explain the reasons for organising, measured against the organising functions within your policing/law enforcement agency.
Guidance: Your understanding of the reasons for organising is important (do not copy directly from your textbook). Two (2) marks will be allocated for the theoretical discussion and two (2) marks for the explanation of the organising function in your policing\law enforcement agency. (32)
A discussion of the obstacles to effective delegation and suggest how the obstacles can be prevented in your policing/law enforcement agency. (8)
Four (4) recommendations how you as a manager can apply organising as a management function in your policing or law enforcement agency to improve service delivery. (4)
Conclusion: give an adequate summary of the importance of organising and delegation. (5)

Question 2
The business or management environment comprises three different environments. Managers need to understand all three environments and sub-environments to ensure that their decisions reflect changes in any of these environments. Draw a diagram depicting the composition of the management environment.

Question 3 
Access and read the article: “Conflict management styles and strategies”
Discuss any four (4) conflict management strategies in the article linking (integrating) them to the four (4) relevant techniques to deal with conflict as discussed in your study material.
Guidance: integrate the information in your textbook that deals with the strategies on conflict management and the information in the article, then combine the information in one answer.

Question 4
Human resources is one of the main resources in policing/law enforcement and should be managed effectively. Command and control of resources form an essential part of management. You are the relief commander of your shift. Discuss the instruments that you, as a shift commander, can use to control your human resources and provide a practical example of each one.
Guidance: one (1) mark will be awarded for the theoretical discussion and one (1) mark for the practical example.

Answers to Above Questions on Police Management

Answer 1: 

Organising is an important managerial function that is highly important in any type of organisation, and its role is crucial in case of policing. Organising is all about establishing coordination and communication among various departments within the organisation. The managerial function within policing also includes delegation as an important task which allows for efficient and effective utilisation of resources and capabilities within the organisation. However there are various obstacles to delegation in policing such as lack of trust, lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities, organisational behaviours to delegation, lack of communication, in sufficient training and development and failure to provide feedback in successful delegation.


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