Question 1
Case study
Bathabile is 21-year-old women who just ended a sexual relationship with 34-year-old Andries. In their relationship they often sent each other intimate messages and pictures. However, after six months in the relationship, he began to violently attack Bathabile and hurt her, including a range of forced sexual interactions. Andries was physically abusive and jealous; he did not want to allow Bathabile to live a life outside of him.
When Bathabile finally decided she can no longer continue to be a victim of the physical violence and stay in the relationship, Andries threatened to expose her by sharing all the content she willingly shared with him in the relationship, Bathabile wasn’t social media savvy and as this was her first time in a relationship of this nature, she trusted him. She never took precaution to only send parts of her body without the face or ensure that the document could not be downloaded and shared. Andries has full access to this content and sharing them will expose her face as well.
Bathabile tried to meet with Andries and discuss the matter and try to convince him that what he is doing is hurting her. Andries became aggressive and produced to attack Bathabile, he slapped and kicked her almost to her death and forced himself on her sexually. After this incident, Bathabile went to the police where she reported the sexual and physical violent acts by Andrieson her. He was thereafter arrested for sexual assault and rape. During the investigation, Andries’ DNA was compared to previous crime files, and it was linked to 4 other previous cases where the victims had been brutally murdered after a sexual assault.
Due to this linkage, the investigation team began to see if they could link Andries to those cases in other ways. They began by asking the victims’ families if they knew Andries and if he had any kind of relationship with the victims. It was confirmed that Andries had worked with the first victim and had short romantic relationship with the other three victim and had disappeared after their deaths. It was assumed by the police investigating the
other cases that Andries had died though his body was never found. However, Andries had assumed different identities after every crime. He moved to a different town and had fake ID’s and various other documents forged such as qualification documents. In the first town he was a bartender, the next town he was a builder, the last two towns he worked for a delivery service. Andries was therefore convicted for four sexual murders, one sexual assault, one attempted murder, identity theft as well as fraud.
Question 1
1.1. Briefly discuss and classify the type of violent crime committed in the case study provided. In your discussion, discuss the possible crime reduction strategies for the type of violent crimes committed in the case study. (10 marks)
Question 2
2.1. With reference to the case study provided, discuss the various forms of cybercrime that was committed, include in your discussion, means of reducing this type of crime in order to ensure the protection of the victims. (10 marks)
Answers to Above Questions on Criminology
Answer 1: In analysis of the given case study indicates that the type of violent crime committed in the case study is sexual violence. This is carried out in the form of rape and forced sexual acts. This type of crime in the form of sexual violence can be reduced in a number of ways. The most important way to reduce such violence is through educating the public about it and the consequences from it. Because of significant awareness among people, it would be possible to encourage them to report such violence, and support the victim.

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