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Criminal Investigation in South Africa Assignment Answers

Question 1 The crime rate in South Africa is high. Criminals often make use of social engineering, phishing, whaling and baiting to commit crime. How is social engineering often committed? (10) Question 2 There are various types of investigations that are conducted such as criminal investigation, civil investigation and commission of enquiries. In your own words explain the objectives of corporate investigation. (10) Question 3 […]

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CPM101 Crime Prevention Management Assignment Answers

Question 1 need-to-know 2019/454-crime-statistics-2018-2019?Itemid=109 The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in their presentation interrogated the crime statistics which the South African Police Service (SAPS) is presenting at the Portfolio Committee on Police as being unreliable and invalid. On the contrary, Kempen (2019:12) alludes that it is important to share information/crime statistics. Communities are entitled to the release of comprehensive and timely information by […]

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