Blogs on Assignments, Essays and Dissertations

Blog Articles on Different Assignment Topics

Assessing Corporate Governance, Ethical Practices, and Risk Management Strategies Answers

Read the scenario below and answer ALL the questions Project Title: “Assessing Corporate Governance, Ethical Practices, and Risk Management Strategies” You are required to select a company with a board of directors with the aim of assessing Corporate Governance, Ethical Practices, and Risk Management Strategies. To achieve the objective of the project, students will have to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios in answering the […]

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Corporate Governance in Accountancy (HCGA232-1) Assignment Answers

QUESTION 1 (40 MARKS)  You are an Audit Manager at ABC Auditors and have already been working at ABC Auditors for 5 years. In 2023, your first audit client for the year was the audit of Global Industries (Pty) Ltd (“Global”). Global has a February year-end. You know the audit client and staff well as you were on Global’s 2022 financial year audit. Global is […]

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CGOV7311w Corporate Governance Assignment Answers

Question 1 (Marks: 10) Discuss the divisions of adjective law in South African law after learning that the law is part of society, is generated by society, and in turn influences and shapes society. Question 2 (Marks: 20) In his renowned poem, “no man is an island”, Donne famously remarked that: “no man is an island, entire to itself. Every man represents a piece of […]

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Human Resource Management 2 HHRM200-1 Assignment Answers

Question 1:  The field of human resource management and the role of the Human Resource Professional in the new economy has changed drastically, especially due to corporate governance. The most important paradigm shifts in HR governance has had an impact on human resource management on both the macro and micro levels and against the background of the important drivers of this new economy. The focus […]

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Case Study outline: African Bank Investments Limited Assignment Answers

When African Bank Investments Limited was put under curatorship by the South African Reserve Bank in 2014, very few shareholders appeared to have seen it coming. It’s a cautionary tale that reminds us why it is important to properly scrutinise the state of a company’s corporate governance, says Dr Stephanie Giamporcaro. FOR a large part of the first decade of this century, African Bank Investments […]

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