Blogs on Assignments, Essays and Dissertations

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Work Integrated Learning Bachelor (HWBLW330-1) Assignment Answers

Question 1 [50 Marks] “The 4IR has prompted discussion with regards to its implications for business and employment. It is viewed as cautiously beneficial because of its potential to reduce time and costs associated to production and create opportunities for those seeking employment or changes in their career. Thus, there is a degree of concern about the talents and skills set readiness of future employees […]

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Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Assignment Answers

Question 1: As the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) continues to shape the future of the workforce, students on the verge of graduation must consider the impact of recent technological advancements on the digital marketing industry in South Africa. 1.1 Discuss how recent developments in technology and digital media have transformed the digital marketing industry in South Africa, and evaluate the implications of these changes for […]

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