Question 1 (20 Marks)
Due to the significant and continuous increase in unemployment rates in South Africa for many years, you are interested in investigating how businesses and corporations can assist in combating youth unemployment rates in your community. Write a research proposal outlining how you plan on carrying out your research study.
Your research proposal should outline the following:
i. Research title (should include study location).
ii. Introduction: A brief introduction to your topic of study and highlighting its importance
(maximum ½ page).
iii. Literature review: Review relevant and valid sources of information that identify the gaps in research that you intend to fill (maximum ½ – 1 page).
iv. Methodology: This section is broken down and should include the following subheadings:
a) Sample: Briefly state who your population is (demographics) and how you will sample your participants.
b) Data collection: This outlines how you will collect data – i.e. the methods and materials used and why.
c) Data analysis: This describes how you will analyse the results and what tools will be used to do so.
d) Ethics: This identifies the concerns and how you will ensure ethical conduct throughout the research.
v. Conclusion: This summarises the significance of the study and why it should be undertaken (maximum ½ page)
vi. Reference list (provide in-text references throughout your arguments and a reference list at the end).
Answers to Above Questions on Unemployment in South Africa
Answer: The title of the research proposal is “an analysis of the issue of unemployment within black South African youth and the ways in which corporations and businesses can help to resolve the issue”
Unemployment is a major problem identified within youth of South Africa, and it has significant impact on the overall development of the economy. Even after undertaking significant initials to combat the issue of unemployment, the issue is still a major problem for the South African economy.
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