Part 1 (55 Marks)

Part 1 (A) Establishing your Teacher Identity (35 Marks) Context: Teacher identities are influenced by various factors and a combination of the notion of personal self and professional self. Through reflection, teachers explore and shape their teacher identities within their practice (McGregor & Cartwright: 2011).


• Write an academic essay of 800-1000 words.

• Define the term ‘Teacher Identity’.

• Discuss, in depth, five attributes that contribute to your teacher identity. This relates to the type of teacher you wish to be in practice.
• Below is list of possible points for discussion, but you are not limited to these:

– My approach to teaching

– My approach to learning

– The classroom environment I want to create

– How I would like to treat my learners

– How I would manage conflict in the classroom

– My professional development aspirations

– My relationship with my colleagues

– My contribution to the school, as my place of employment

• Briefly describe the seven areas of influence on teacher identity as discussed by McGregor & Cartwright (2011)
• Appropriately select three out of the seven areas of influence on teacher identity and discuss how each respective area has influenced your teacher identity.
• You are required to use the prescribed textbook (McGregor & Cartwright: 2011), along with at least TWO other credible academic sources.
• Remember to in-text reference all sources and include the full reference in the reference list. PLEASE SEE RUBRIC PART 1 (A) FOR GUIDANCE ON WHAT IS EXPECTED FROM YOU BY YOUR MARKER.

Part 1 (B) Developing Self-Efficacy as a Beginner Teacher (Marks:20) Context: As a beginner teacher, it is important to understand that your actions have a positive impact in your classroom. Engaging in reflective practice will provide you with a belief in yourself as an effective classroom practitioner. You thus develop self-efficacy when you believe you can make a difference in the classroom (McGregor & Cartwright: 2011).


• Define Self-Efficacy

• List five ways in which you will develop your self- efficacy as a beginner teacher.

• This information must be presented in the format of an infographic, using any application of your choice.
• You are required to use the prescribed textbook (McGregor & Cartwright: 2011), along with at least ONE other credible academic source.
• Please in-text reference your work and include full references in your reference list at the end of your PoE.
• Please insert your full infographic in your PoE document. Do not just copy and paste a link.

• For assistance on how to create an infographic, try one of the following websites:

• Word Count: 100-120 words

PART 2 S h u lm a n ’s Mod el o f T ea ch er Kn ow l ed g e (Marks: 25) Context: There are different dimensions that beginner teachers need to focus on in the reflective journey of becoming an effective teacher. Shulman’s (1986, 1987, 1998) Model of Teacher Knowledge focuses on three types of knowledge, namely, Subject Knowledge, Pedagogic Knowledge; and Curriculum Knowledge. These three types of knowledge can be considered as part of a body of key components on becoming a qualified, competent teacher.


Use the format of the template below and complete the following tasks:

• Identify a subject and grade of your choice that will be used in this activity.

• Clearly define the three types of knowledge, as identified by Shulman.

• You are required to use the prescribed textbook (McGregor & Cartwright: 2011), along with at least ONE other credible academic source.
• Please write your definitions in paragraphs.

• Use your selected subject and discuss the type of knowledge and skills you will need under each type of knowledge for the particular subject. You need to mention skills and knowledge unique to your selected subject. You may make examples to ensure that you effectively answer the question.
• Your applications to your selected subject can be written in a paragraph or as bullet points.

• Please in-text reference your work and include full references in your reference list at the end of your PoE.
• Remember to use the below given template.

• Word Count: 500 – 600 words

PART 3 Gi b b ’s R efl ecti v e L ea r ni n g Cy cl e (Marks: 20) Context: Reflection is more than just thinking, it requires action on that thinking as part of a cycle of improvement. Throughout this module you have learnt about different models of reflection. Models and tools of reflection supports and develop our professional practice (McGregor & Cartwright: 2011).


• Reflect on an occurrence during your Teaching Experience Block 1 where, if you were in a similar situation again, you would respond differently.
• Use Gibb’s Reflective Learning Cycle and write a journal entry.

• Use each step as a title to write up all the details and use this model to critically reflect on the occurrence and your proposed actions.
• Word count: 600 – 800 words.
• No in-text references are needed unless you consult additional sources to assist your process of reflection to that of action

Answers to Above Questions on Teacher Identity

Answer 1: Teacher identity is an important concept that takes into account the personal beliefs, experiences, values and professional ethics held by the teacher. It implies the ways in which educators perceive themselves and define their roles when they perform their responsibilities. Teacher identity is highly affected by the internal reflections of teacher as well as their external interactions.


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