Question 1 [26 Marks]

Read the following extract about Spanish Farm Guest Lodge and answer the questions that follow:

Spanish Farm is situated in award-winning gardens. High up on the Helderberg with panoramic views of the Hottentots Holland Mountain range and False Bay, stretching from Cape Point to Gordon’s Bay.

This special place is home to an abundance of bird species. Indigenous fynbos, proteas, and silver trees grow naturally on our Estate. Relax around the pool with expansive views of the Indian Ocean and Somerset West below.

For additional information, follow the link below:

Source: Spanish Farm Guest Lodge 2024 [Home]. Spanish Farm Guest Lodge and

Luxury Villas. Retrieved from online source: [Accessed on

14 March 2024].


Based on the essential role of communication in marketing, it is important to understand the role of communication as a tool for creating mutual understanding and reaching an audience. The aspects to consider for any brand’s marketing plan are known as the marketing mix and traditionally consist of four P’s.

1.1 List the four P’s of the marketing mix. (4 marks)

1.2 Provide two (2) practical examples for each of the four P’s based on Spanish

Farm Guest Lodge. (4×2 = 8 marks)

1.3 Discuss each of the seven (7) marketing communication mix tools that can be used to Spanish Farm Guest Lodge’s advantage when informing their clients about Spanish Farm Guest Lodge. (7×2 = 14 marks)

Question 2 [24 Marks] Read the following statement and answer the question that follows:
Planning with advertising objectives

Before a company such as Spanish Farm Guest Lodge can create an advertising campaign, the company needs to consider the following:

• Why they want to advertise

• What they want to achieve

• How are they going to achieve it

Advertising objectives is a plan that outlines:

• What you want to say

• To whom you want to say it

• When you would like to say it

There are three broad advertising objectives, namely those that aim to inform, persuade, or remind (Kotler and Armstrong, 2014).

2.1 As a marketing expert working for an advertising agency, Spanish Farm Guest Lodge tasks you to create an advertisement poster they will use to distribute in an upcoming marketing campaign. (24 marks)
Note to student: Use the structured outline and Poster Rubric provided to answer this question successfully.

Question 3 [25 Marks]

Read the following fictitious scenarios and answer questions 3.1.1 to 3.1.5 that follow.

Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Consider the bustling atmosphere of a busy restaurant on a Saturday night. Despite the meticulous planning and standardised processes, each dining experience is unique. From the preferences of the patrons to the dynamic interactions between servers and guests, variability permeates every aspect of the service encounter. One table may require extra attention due to dietary restrictions, while another might celebrate a special occasion, demanding a personalised touch. Even the mood and energy of the staff can fluctuate, influencing the overall ambience of the establishment. Amidst this constant flux, the essence of service lies in the ability to adapt and tailor the experience to meet each customer’s
diverse needs and expectations.

Picture a bustling concert venue on a Friday evening, with seats filled and excitement in the air. As the performance begins, every empty seat represents a missed opportunity—a moment that cannot be regained once the show has ended. Like tonight’s concert tickets, the time and resources allocated for service delivery are finite and cannot be stored or saved for future use. Once the moment has passed, it’s gone forever, emphasising the need for effective capacity management and strategic planning to maximise the value of each fleeting opportunity.

Scenario 3 Scenario 4

Imagine sitting at your favourite café, eagerly awaiting your freshly brewed coffee. As the aroma wafts through the air, you can’t help but notice the barista’s warm smile as she carefully crafts your order. In this moment, the very essence of the service experience unfolds before you. It’s not just about the quality of the coffee; it’s about the personal touch, the

Mike walked into Vodacom to buy a new cell phone and was greeted warmly by the sales manager, who provided excellent service. Impressed, Mike couldn’t help but rave about his experience with his brother-in-law, Jack. Excited by Mike’s recommendation, Jack headed to Vodacom, only to encounter the same
interaction between you and the barista, and the ambience of the café—all elements together create a memorable and satisfying encounter.

sales manager in a completely different mood. The manager was rude and dismissive, leaving Jack disappointed and frustrated with Vodacom’s inconsistency in customer

Scenario 5

Consider a scenario where you entrust your car to a valet service at a busy hotel. As you hand over the keys, you relinquish direct control of your vehicle to the valet attendant. In this service exchange, the responsibility for the care and safekeeping of your car shifts from you to the service provider. While you retain legal ownership of the vehicle, the physical custody and management temporarily rest in the hands of another party. This transfer of control underscores the dynamic nature of service encounters, where customers often rely on service providers to fulfil their needs
and expectations without maintaining direct possession or oversight.

According to Groucutt et al. (2004: 20-21), the unique characteristics of service are:

• Intangibility

• Inseparability

• Variability/heterogeneity

• Perishability

• Lack of ownership


3.1 Identify the unique characteristic of service that best describes Scenarios 1 to 5 and provide two (2) reasons for each of your chosen answers.

Read the following extract and answer the question that follows:

A comparison of traditional advertising and IMC

The turning of the 21st century will be remembered as the point at which traditional mass media advertising made way for IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications). The following topics arose when comparing traditional mass media advertising with the IMC that emerged in the 20th century (Baker, 2003).

• Consumer centricity

• Power retailers

• Advertising agencies under pressure

• Corporate cohesion

• Brands without mass media

3.2 Familiarise yourself with and research the above five (5) topics that arose when comparing traditional mass media advertising with the IMC that emerged in the 20th century and provide two (2) practical examples for each. (2 x 5 = 10 marks)

Question 4 [25 Marks] Read the following extract to fulfil the Question 4 requirement that follows:
Conceptualising an event from a Public Relations (PR) point of view

There are many different types of events, which means there are many different aspects to consider when deciding on what type of event to host and what needs to be in place to ensure that the event succeeds.

Each event has its own unique needs to be successful. PR professionals should ask themselves the following questions when deciding whether an event is an appropriate tool or what type of event they should consider (Edge Education, 2018).

• What are the outcomes or the goals of the event?

• Who are the main stakeholders involved in the event?
• What is the budget for the event?

• Is it essential for the media to be involved in the event?

• Is there a required format or programme for such an event?

• How will the success of the event be evaluated?

• What timeline is required for the organisation of the event?


Using the seven (7) questions presented in the extract, write an essay discussing how you will host a marketing campaign event in South Africa as a PR professional.

Answers to Above Questions on Spanish Farm Guest Lodge Case

Answer 1: The four P’s of marketing are product, price, place and promotion. The product is what a business offers to its customers to satisfy the needs and expectations, whereas the price is the amount of money charged for the product. The place is the location whereby the products are made available to the customers, whereas the promotion is the marketing activities undertaken in order to create awareness among target audience.

Hire the best marketing experts from the team of writers of Student Life Saviour in South Africa to get assistance to all the above questions.

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