Your organisation is at the stage in the cycle where it formulates new strategies for the coming five years. Get hold of the current strategy and read it thoroughly before you answer the following four sub-questions.

1.1 Government wants the public service to render services in line with private sector service delivery standards. Identify those objectives and planning detail that address the managing of competitive dynamics to position your department in line with the demands of the business world. (25)

1.2 While analysing the current strategic plan, you discover that there is still room for improvement. Select and apply analytical tools that can assist you in reviewing the policy and plan. (25)

1.3 After identifying gaps in the current plan, devise a section to insert in the new plan to make the management of your department more efficient. (25)

1.4 Evaluate the strategic planning process and make suggestions on how to improve the current failure factors, and how to make sure the success factors will be sustainable. (25)

Answers to Above Questions on Public Strategic Management

Answer 1: Both the private and public sector play an important role in the overall development of an economy. However the service delivery standards of the private sector are usually better compared to the public sector. This is the reason why the government wants the public service to render services in line with private sector delivery standards. In this relation, the objectives of my department to manage the competitive dynamics and demands of the business world are discussed as follows:

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