“Practitioners and academics alike are interested in stakeholder management as a crucial strategy for achieving project success” (Francisco de Oliveira & Rabechini Jr, 2019).
• Write an essay in which you assess the approaches to managing project stakeholders, including methods for resolving conflicts of interest, establishing effective communication channels, and how these approaches affect the success of projects and stakeholder engagement using any South African project of your choice.
Answers to Above Question on Project Management
Answer 1: Stakeholders are an important part of any project as they are the major beneficiaries of the project outcomes. The management of project stakeholders therefore needs to be carried out in a way that leads to a positive outcome for each and every stakeholder. The approach that can be followed in managing the stakeholder include identification of stakeholder followed by performing an analysis of each stakeholder, developing communication strategy with them, planning to incorporate their views, and relationship building strategies.

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