Question 1:
‘‘We are now at the start of what may become the most dramatic change in international order in several centuries . . . What we are facing isn’t the single shift of corporate leaders . . .as much as an avalanche of ceaseless change . . . creating unprecedented disruption and dislocation’’ (Ramo, 2009).
In essence, corporations may be entering a period of unprecedented crises, from the airline industry to the mining industries. When a corporate crisis approaches, it is much easier to seize and act upon it early, but it must be realistically recognized. Once a corporate crisis has passed through the threshold of the initial pre- (preliminary) crisis, it is much more difficult to act effectively and thus the opportunity to more easily deal with it passes.
Worldwide crises, from a global environmental crisis to a loss of national identity, are impacting corporations. Additionally, the world is truly becoming a corporate, interrelated
marketplace, with walls, both physical and psychological, falling, barriers collapsing, boundaries blurring, and technology flattening the overall landscape, and at the forefront is the consumer-centric age (Friedman, 2008). Friedman, 2006 refers to this phenomenon as a triple convergence of the elimination of all walls, ceilings and floors to create a new flat world platform. Pink (2005) describes this as a seismic – though as yet undetected – shift now under way . . . moving from an economy and a society built on the logical, linear, computer-like capabilities of the Information Age to an economy and a society built on the inventive, empathic big-picture capabilities of the Conceptual Age. The corporate leader’s implications in managing a crisis in this new age are, indeed, complex and surreal in comparison to previously existing conditions. In today’s triple-convergence world, virtually every corporation in every nation can expect a crisis to be on the horizon. The constant potential of crises has also taught the corporate world that a crisis can occur with little to no warning, anytime and anywhere. It can happen to any corporation, large or small, at every state of development, in every industry, and operating locally, nationally or internationally. It is, in other words, the safest of assumptions that a crisis looms on the horizon of every corporation. This has
been referred to as a ‘‘Black Swan.’’ situation. This condition is an improbable and unnerving event with three basic
characteristics: it is unpredictable; it causes massive impact; and after the fact, an explanation is concocted or invented that makes it appear less random and more
predictable than it was (Taleb, 2007). However, ‘‘Black Swans’’ are not necessarily bad news – merely reality. If corporate leaders will accept this, then they will be in the right frame of mind to accept the contention that forms a basic premise of this article: with proper advanced contingency planning and preparation,
and appropriate recognition and response, there can often be a positive opportunity side to a crisis….
In analyzing the nature of crises and corporate crisis management, corporate leaders must first understand that crisis management and mismanagement are not the same. Often, due to inappropriate or inadequate planning, or the absence of any kind of scenario planning, corporations engage in crisis-type situational reactions. Without ordered priorities, corporate leaders seldom know which situations call for immediate attention and which do not: what can be considered a pre- crisis activity, event, or issue. As a result, corporate leaders are often unable to continue functioning in the face of true crisis situations. This is considered mismanagement! Corporate crisis management comprises a systematic approach for
dealing with real crises (activities, events, or issues) so that the corporation continues to function as normally as possible.
Additionally, corporate crisis management is not a quick-fix solution to the crisis activities, events or issues challenging the corporation. However, reaction time is often very narrow.
Corporate crisis management entails forecasting, identifying, studying and acting upon crisis issues, and establishing procedures to prevent or cope with the crisis. Perhaps it may be that what corporate leaders do not know is much more important than what they do know.
Crisis management is systems based. It is not solely represented by a separate operational unit within an organization. It is typically a combination of operating units brought together to manage a particular situation with every leader communicating (Goleman, 2002).
In terms of the case study discuss the roles of a project leader (25)
“It is typically a combination of operating units brought together to manage a particular situation with every leader communicating (Goleman, 2002)”
Discuss the communication process with reference to the case study. (15)
The following questions are based on research into an organisation of your choice.
Discuss in your own words how the organisation you have studied achieves team cohesion
Discuss the nine step approach to problem solving (10)
Answers to Above Questions on Project Leadership
Answer 1: A project leader is required to play an important role in managing the project in an effective way. In the given case study, it is also important for a Project leader to manage the project in a way that leads to effective management of crisis in the given situation. The Project leader is required to perform the role of crisis identifier, crisis forecaster, crisis analyst, crisis responder and communicator etc.

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