Pipelines in South Africa either transport liquid fuels, petroleum products such as crude oil, diesel, leaded petrol, unleaded petrol or aviation fuels, or gas products (Transnet, 2016). For the purposes of this assignment, it is imperative that the logistics management aspects of petroleum product supply chains be arranged as safely, efficiently, and effectively as possible. In view of these aspects, the assignment questions are sets out to identify, assess and describe the logistics aspects of the commercial operation of petroleum pipelines.
Outlined your answers as follows:
- to identify the physical characteristics of petroleum product supply chains and to
- describe the logistics activities that are involved in the flow of petroleum commodities and information between place of origin and place of consumption
- to indicate the relative efficiency of pipeline operations
- to describe the criteria that exist for effective service delivery
- to identify and evaluate the effects associated with the potential impacts of climate change on pipeline operations.
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