SpeedWay – advertising campaign

SpeedWay is a South African courier service provider that has been in business for over 10 years. Its courier services are limited to South Africa, and it prides itself on delivering excellent service at an affordable price.

It has a well-established network with 190 kiosks nationwide and over 1400 lockers in towns throughout South Africa.

The courier, express and parcel services industry in South Africa is growing at a rapid rate and is extremely competitive. The demise of the South African Post Office service and the development of new technology have fuelled the growth of the industry even more.

Within this competitive environment, SpeedWay wants to be seen as the leader in the industry that makes life easier for its customers by offering professional and reliable service at an affordable price. It has asked Greenway Advertising Agency to develop a television advertising campaign. The objective of the campaign will be to create awareness for the Speedway brand and establish an image of a company that offers professional and reliable service at an affordable price. The marketing team has decided that they would like to pre-test the proposed television advertisement before they sign it off.

AdTest was contracted to pre-test the proposed television advertisement. Below is more information about the market research project.

Primary objective: To establish whether the television advertisement will be successful in communicating the advertisement objectives of awareness and image perceptions. The marketing team will use the findings to make a final decision on whether the proposed campaign will be approved or not.

Secondary objectives:

– Establish brand awareness after watching the advertisement.

– Measure image perceptions of SpeedWay after watching the advertisement.

– Measure the likeability of the advertisement.

Target audience: Speedway has identified three segments.

1) Individual consumers who are using courier services at least once every two months
2) Micro businesses (with a turnover of less than R1 million per annum) that are using courier services at least once a month
3) Small businesses (with a turnover of between R1 million and R2.5 million per annum) that are using courier services at least once a month

Methodology: Adtest conducted personal interviews. The number of completed personal interviews were:
100 individual consumers

105 micro-businesses

100 small businesses.

Analysis: The findings will enable SpeedWay to understand the different reactions of the three (3) sample segments towards the advertisement. It is therefore important that the data analysis allows for comparisons between the three segments.

Questionnaire: Below is a copy of the questionnaire.

Question 1: Which company first comes to mind when you think about courier companies in South Africa? Mention only the one company that first comes to mind

ABC Couriers 1
BestWings Couriers 2
CrazyQuick 3
ExpressServices 4
OvernightCouriers 5
SpeedWayCouriers 6
Tothe Point 7

Question 2: Thinking about the advertisement that you just watched, for which courier company is the advertisement?

ABC Couriers 1
BestWings Couriers 2
CrazyQuick 3
ExpressServices 4
OvernightCouriers 5
SpeedWayCouriers 6
Tothe Point 7
Ihavenoidea 8

Question 3: On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = Very difficult to understand and 5 = Very easy understand, rate what the advertisement is communicating?

Very difficult 1
Difficult 2
Average 3
Easy 4
Very easy 5

Question 4: Which two of the following statements best describe your interpretation of what the advertisement is communicating? Choose only two statements.



SpeedWayoffersareliable service 2
SpeedWaystaffare friendly 3
SpeedWaystaffare efficient 4
SpeedWayoffersaserviceatanaffordableprice 5
SpeedWaymakesuseofleading-edgetechnology 6
SpeedWayisaprofessional business 7

Question 5:Please rate the advertisement on each of the following elements using a scale of 1 – 5 where 1 = Very Poor, 3 = Average and 5 = Very Good



Poor Average Good Very


5.1Originalityofthe advertisement 1 2 3 4 5
5.2Believablemessage 1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5

Question 6: To what degree do you think this advertisement fits the perceptions you already have about SpeedWay?

Toa greatdegree 1
Average 2
Itdoes not fitatall 3

Question7:Pleaserate each of theindividualelements ofthe advertisement on a scale of 1 – 5 where 1 = Very poor and 5 = Excellent

  VeryPoor Poor Average Good Excellent
7.1The visuals 1 2 3 4 5
7.2Themusic 1 2 3 4 5

Question 8:How much do you like or dislike the advertisement?Use a scale of 1-5 where 1 = Dislike it a lot, 3 = Feel neutral and 5 = Like it a lot.

Dislikeitalot 1
Dislikeit 2
Feelneutral 3
Likeit 4
Likeitalot 5

Question 9: Now that you have seen this advertisement, which ONE word best describes your perception of SpeedWay?

Speed 1
Efficient 2
Affordable 3
Reliable 4
Professional 5

Follow the following steps to complete this assignment: STEP 1: Read carefully through the scenario above.
STEP 2: Download the Excel data spreadsheet containing the captured data for the completed survey.
STEP 3: Answer Questions 1 and 2 in a Word document (converted into a PDF document).

STEP 4: Answer Question 3 in a PowerPoint document (converted into a PDF document).

Question 1

Analyse the data for each question by calculating percentages or averages. It is important to analyse the data in such a way that when you answer assessment Questions 2 (Executive summary) and 3 (PowerPoint presentation) you will be able to highlight the similarities and differences between the three sample segments.

(12) One (1) mark will be awarded for the answers to each question in the data sheet, provided the answers for all three datasets are correct.

Rounding is allowed, provided the rounding principles are applied correctly. NO MARKS will be awarded for the calculation steps.

Question 2

Compose a two (2) page executive summary. Include all the components of an executive summary (as explained in the study guide). (10)

Marks will be awarded for populating all the key components of an executive summary correctly. Marks will be deducted if the two (2) page limit is exceeded.

Question 3

Illustrate the outcomes of the market research project in a PowerPoint presentation. Cover all the aspects of a visual presentation (as discussed in the study guide). (23)

Marks will be awarded for populating all the components of a visual presentation correctly.

Answers on the Above Questions on SpeedWay Advertising

Answer 1: The analysis of the data for each question by calculating percentages or averages is performed as follows:


Hire the best statistical experts from the team of writers of Student Life Saviour in South Africa to get answers to above calculative questions.

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