“The Demarcation Board, after consultation with the IEC for purposes of elections, must delimit all municipalities that have wards, into wards. Once this has been done, preparations can be made for local government elections.”
With this view in mind, describe and discuss the preparation of the voters’ roll and the personnel required to run an election.
“The municipal council is the highest governing body of a municipality. Members of the
council make all the major decisions affecting the municipality.”
With reference to the above quotation, discuss the role and functions of a municipal council and its members.
Answers to Above Questions on Local Government Management
Answer 1: Ensuring a smooth electoral process requires several things to consider such as preparation of the voters roll and it requires a significant amount of personal as well. The voter roll is one of the most important aspects in any type of election as it includes the names and details of eligible voters within a specific jurisdiction. There are different types of personnel required in order to carry out such as the election officials, polling clerks, security personnel, individual observers etc.

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