Kusta’s“With love, from my kitchen to your table” The journey begins:
Khuliswa Mazizi, the founder of Kusta’s, started her business in 2020 in Pretoria, South Africa, when she followed her passion, believing that a delicious meal starts with the best ingredients and sauce. Having been in lockdown with the Covid-19 pandemic, Khuliswa rediscovered her passion for cooking and producing sauces made from traditional, all-natural ingredients. This is how her sauce business started. It gave her great contentment to share her passion for life through her sauces, making meals delicious, and bringing warmth and happiness to homes. Khuliswa started her sauce business with the intention to contribute to the promotion of healthy eating habits in South Africa. The surge in lifestyle diseases such as obesity and diabetes urged Khuliswa to use natural, plant-based products and promote healthy lifestyles. Khuliswa is the owner of the business, with one permanent employee and four part-time employees.
Khuliswa knows that customer loyalty can help her business boom in the best of times, but that it can also help her business survive through tough or challenging times. Khuliswa wants to retain her loyal customers and want to attract new customers.
Khuliswa wants to create a CRM plan for her business, but she is unsure about the implementation of certain steps.`
The steps are listed in chapter 8 of the textbook and are explained throughout the study material. Apply steps 1, 4, 5, 8, and 10 of the CRM planning process to Kusta’s. Let the mark allocation for each step guide you.
Only marks will be awarded for a discussion of the theory in step 10. The rest of the steps should be discussed in a practical manner and only examples/ scenarios or strategies that are relevant to Kusta’s will earn you marks.
Step 1: Pre-planning stage (7 marks)
(Include a practical discussion on the reasons why Kusta’s needs to plan a CRM strategy, the resources she will need to implement the strategy, and why it is important to retain existing customers and attract new customers)
Step 4: Developing CRM strategies (8 marks)
(Include two practical strategies for each of the four customer segments for Kusta’s)
Step 5: Competitive benchmarking (10 marks)
(Include an in-depth analysis of Kustas competitors. You are encouraged to conduct external research in order to come up with an in-depth analysis of potential competitors for Kusta’s)
Step 8: Selecting appropriate CRM technologies (10 marks)
(Include an in-depth discussion on suitable software and promotional technologies for Kusta’s)
Step 10: Measuring CRM results (5 marks)
(Include examples of metrics that Kusta’s can use. This is the only step where marks can be awarded for theory)
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CRM implementation plan is crucial from the point of view of achieving success in managing relationships with customers. However the implementation process is not simple and it requires significant understanding and efforts to achieve success in it. CRM implementation is defined as the process of deploying CRM software so as to allow the company to track and manage its communication with current and potential customers. There are specific steps involved in performing its implementation and these are classified as pre planning stage, developing CRM strategy, competitive benchmarking, selecting appropriate CRM Technologies, measuring CRM results etc. The given analysis includes the application of important steps of CRM implementation in the CRM planning process to Kusta so that the maximum advantage can be availed from its implementation.

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