Kgabareng Primary School is a primary school situated in a sub-economical area in Gauteng. It has 750 learners and 20 educators. 75% of the learners are Sesotho and isiZulu speaking, 15% are Afrikaans speaking and 10% are from Middle Africa countries (these learners speak French). The various race groups do not really mix during breaks and there are no school activities to encourage integration. The medium of instruction is English. All communication from the school (e.g., newsletters; reports) is in English. There are no educators who speak French. Many of the parents are English literate. Most of the learners’ parents are unemployed. Many parents have a very low level of literacy and cannot even come to the school for meetings.
There are AIDS orphans in many of the classes – educators don’t know what to do to help these learners. The local church does have a support program focusing on home-based care for families affected by HIV and AIDS, but the program has only been presented once (at the church, which is quite far from the school). The school does not have a counsellor, and nobody is sure how to contact the welfare. Staff members worry about these orphans and feel sad for them. It is known that some educators are stressed and using anti­depressants to cope with the situation at school.
The school does have a health education program, but there are no ready-made teaching materials or handouts in isiZulu, Sesotho or French to supplement the program. Also, the Life Orientation educator is fairly old and does not like to talk about HIV and Aids. Aids is not discussed openly – it is a taboo subject.
The school environment is adequate. The school is built from bricks and has enough furniture. There are no broken windows or doors, and the school is fenced. There are, however, no trees on the playground, so learners have no shelter at break. There are also not enough dustbins, which means that litter often lies around. The school does have running water and adequate toilet facilities.
There are no extra-mural activities at Kgabareng Primary School. The learners do not have an adequate sports field and the educators complain that they are overworked and cannot present extra mural activities such as sport or cultural activity on top of their other work. Most educators are diligent about their teaching load – the curriculum is integrated, and educators are well-prepared for classes. Only two educators (who are caring for loved ones that are HIV positive) are absent often or late for class.

Answer to Above Questions on Kgabareng Case Study

An analysis of the given scenario in respect to Kgabareng primary school indicates that provides and in that discussion on the challenges faced by the school. The major challenge is identified in the form of linguistic and cultural diversity, whereby it is evaluated that the communication has been performed in English which results into a language barrier. Another major challenge is identified in the form of adequate support to all the students, as it is analysed that the students with AIDS orphans are not given proper support by the educators.

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