Question 1 (Marks: 100)
The right to education, within an inclusive education system, means that all children have the right to attend their local public school and receive the necessary support to learn. According to the Education White Paper 6, South Africa’s policy on inclusive education, ordinary public schools are required to do what is ‘reasonably practicable’ to support the needs of all learners to enable them to participate, on an equal basis, with their peers, in order to reach their full learning potential.
Write an essay of 1000 – 1200 words explaining how learners with barriers to learning should be supported within an Inclusive Education system in a South African school context.
Your essay should include the following:
• A brief discussion around the policies in South Africa that support the rights of learners in respect of their access to education;
• An outline of the different levels of support systems in the implementation of inclusive education in South Africa;
• The role of the School-based Support Team in supporting learners with diverse learning needs;
• The role of the teacher in supporting learners with diverse learning needs, according to the Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS) policy.
• Refer to your prescribed reading material and additional research is required.
• Your essay must evidence an excellent command of the subject matter, supported by detail and research.
• Marks will be deducted for poor academic writing and referencing errors.
Get Answers on Above Questions on Inclusive Education in South Africa
An analysis of the role of the South African government towards promoting an inclusive education system indicates that there are a significant number of policies that are being introduced with the objective of supporting the rights of learners in respect to their access to education. Some of the important policies include education white paper 6 (2001) and it is an important document that provides the framework for inclusive education in South Africa. Another important policy is national strategy for learner attainment (2019) and this is aimed at and unseen the overall quality of education in South Africa by planning for curriculum development, teacher training and support for learners with disabilities. The inclusive education flagship program (2017) is another important policy aimed at building the capacity of schools in South Africa in order to facilitate inclusive education. The special needs education policy (2001), national curriculum statement (2002) and integrated school health policy (2012) are all important policies of South African government in order to support the rights of learners in accessing education in South Africa

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