1) You are tasked with identifying one (1) organisation that has its Human Resource (HR) Policy available online and accessible to the public. This can be any local or international organisation with HR-related information available on the web, its trade magazine, or research reports available to the public.
2) Carry out research and write a report (a breakdown of the sections for the report will follow) that reflects the human resource policy derived from the organisation selected. This information can also be derived from a company policy document or magazine available online.
3) When researching and identifying an organisation, it is important to include proper references and links to the sources where information was found.
4) The information derived from the research should be presented as a research report (essay), which will answer sections A, B and C.
Section A: The global context of strategic human resource management (Globalisation and SHRM)
A.1 Based on the course material (prescribed textbook), it is evident that globalisation has introduced a changing context with important implications for the Human Resources (HR) function. Thus, it has become critical for organisations to manage and strategically leverage their HR functions to remain competitive.
Your task is to identify and explain how a chosen organisation has realigned its HR function to suit the implications of globalisation on business.
Specific instructions:
In this task, you will examine how the organisation has responded to the implications of globalisation for the HR function, focusing on three aspects:
• Managing a diverse workforce
• Updating core competencies and skills
• Implementing Knowledge Management (KM) systems.
A.2 Organisation details online:
• Proof that you have researched and identified an organisation with information from the internet by including a proper reference.
Reference internet link(s) or websites where you sourced information regarding the organisation.
Section B: Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and employment relations:
B.1 Identify and explain four key issues concerning managing employment relations
• Your task is to identify and explain four key issues concerning managing employment relations
Specific instructions:
How has the organisation addressed four (4) key areas of concern you have identified (e.g., Perspectives on the employment relationship, Managing employment relations, Implementing employee voice, Legal regulation) from the information provided online about the company HR policy?
B.2 Organisation details online:
• Proof that you have researched and identified an organisation with information available on the internet by including a proper reference.
• References of all internet sources used for sourcing the information presented.
Section C: Research essay
Write a 400-500 word essay comparing the theory presented in the textbook with the practice derived from the research done on your selected organisation.
Use the theory, personal experience and research to analyse how the organization’s information aligns with the knowledge gained in this module. Both tasks, A and B, require integration between theory and practice.
Specific instructions:
A. In this task, you will examine the ethical aspects of SHRM in the chosen organisation, focusing on three aspects:
• Ethical behaviour and whistleblowing,
• Employee rewards
• Equality of opportunity and diversity.
Reference internet link(s) or websites where you sourced information regarding the organisation.
B. Assess and comment on the organisation’s commitment to training and development as a sustainability concern.
TIP: Your answers should not be too brief or simplistic – answers should indicate that you have considered the theory in your textbook.
Answers to Above Questions on HR Policy Assessment
Answer: Human resource management is an important function in an organisation and many organisations have their specific HR policy that manages it’s relations with its employees. In order to analyse the HR policy, this specific organisation that is selected is Shoprite Holdings. As a part of analysis, the ways in which the employer-employee relationship is defined along with the formal and informal obligations that employees need to follow are all analysed in this essay.
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