Question 1

Its Time! is an organisation that is about to launch a new range of sport watches to other businesses, which act as retailers, as well as directly to consumers. As a relatively new product to the market, you have several goals and objectives that are required to ensure continuous growth and an increase in market share.
As the marketing director for the organisation, you are required to plan the launch of the sport watches by referring to the 7Ds of marketing that support effective digital marketing.
You are required to do additional research on other companies selling similar product(s).

Present your findings in mind maps that link the 7Ds mentioned below and illustrate a connection between the pillars to ensure effective digital marketing.
The mind map must be presented on one A4 page.

Mind map
Digital goals (6)
Digital audiences (6)
Digital devices (2)
Digital platforms (4)
Digital media (8)
Digital data (4)
Digital technology (2)

Presentation and layout
– Depth of coverage (knowledge) and organisation (2)
– Presentation appeal (2).

There are many websites that offer free templates. Please ensure that you use a template that has a central idea and ideas that flow. You may also make use of a Word document and features available in MS Word to prepare your mind map.

For the mind map, you are not required to use Arial 12, line spacing 1.5 due to the size, but all content must be clear, or you will be penalised. Connection of information from one idea to another showing direct relationships is important.
No marks will be awarded for theory.
You will be required to ‘think out of the box’ and provide additional information relating to the important elements discussed in the 7Ds or pillars for effective digital marketing.

Question 2

You are now required to write a summary of your findings and planning from question 1 for Its Time!

In-text citation is important and references to be on a separate page at the end of the assessment. Two (2) marks will be awarded for each of the 7Ds.
Your assessment must be uploaded as a PDF document and not a Word document or any other format. (14)

You will be required to ‘think out of the box’ and provide additional information relating to the important elements discussed in the 7Ds or pillars for effective digital marketing.

Answers to Above Questions on Digital Marketing

Answer 1: The sport watch is relatively a new product and it therefore requires a good amount of market research before launching it into the market. The seven D’s of marketing is quite important to consider in launching the new product, and it is presented in the form of Mind Map as follows:


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