Question 1 (35 marks)
Read the following article:
Du Preez, N. & Muthaphuli, P. 2019. The deterrent value of punishment on crime using the judicial approaches. Just Africa.
Tertiary crime prevention deals with eliminating recidivistic behaviour by offenders. The emphasis is on ways to keep the confirmed offender from further harming society (Lab, 2020).
In an essay, discuss the deterrent value of the following concepts of tertiary crime prevention. Support your answer with examples from the article.
Marks: title (1) source referencing (1) (2)
1.1 Appropriate introduction (2)
1.2 Discussion: Integrate information from the article, study guide and textbook.
1.2.1 Specific deterrence (6)
1.2.2 Incapacitation (13)
1.2.3 Imprisonment (5)
1.2.4 Rehabilitation and crime prevention (5)
1.3 Conclusion (2)
Question 2 (20 marks)
Download the links and answer the questions that follow: to-know
The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in their presentation, interrogated the crime statistics which the South African Police Service (SAPS) is presenting at the Portfolio Committee on Police, as being unreliable and invalid.
On the contrary, Kempen (2019:12) alludes that it is important to share information/crime statistics. Communities are entitled to the release of comprehensive and timely information by local police station management. Access to such information serves to reassure and allay community fears and concerns and allows communities to play a more active role in helping to resolve local policing challenges, and to work jointly at developing strategies aimed at creating safe and secure communities.
2.1 Discuss the disadvantages of the annual release of crime statistics. (10)
2.2 Demonstrate your understanding by arguing Kempen’s statement regarding the benefits of fear in the prevention of crime. (10)
Question 3 (20 marks)
3.1 Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organisational strategies that support the systematic use of partnership problem-solving techniques to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime (Lab, 2023). Discuss the following and provide examples for each discussion:
3.1.1 Community involvement (5)
3.1.2 Problem-solving (5)
3.1.3 Community base (5)
3.1.4 Refined goals (5)
Answers to Above Questions on Crime Prevention
Answer 1: The main purpose of tertiary crime prevention is on preventing the offences that are repetitive in nature. This is achieved by way of stopping offenders from committing further crimes. This is a significant approach to crime prevention and it differs significantly from primary and secondary crime prevention methods. The important concepts of tertiary crime prevention such as specific deterrence, incapacitation, imprisonment, rehabilitation and crime prevention are discussed in this essay as follows:
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