A survey on citizen satisfaction is imperative within the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) following a call by the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal Honourable Senzo Mchunu in his 2014 inauguration speech emphasising the responsibility of the office of the premier in co-ordinating regular surveys. The Premier subjected all Government Departments in the Province to regular surveys on citizen satisfaction and purported that “citizens will be given opportunity to express their dissatisfaction and point out weaknesses and strengths in relation to service delivery and this will serve as a platform and tool to assess performance of government (Premier Mchunu, 2014)”. The framework for strengthening citizen-government partnership for monitoring frontline service delivery released by Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation in 2013, purports that experiences of citizens are a critical component in measuring the performance of government and for the delivery of appropriate and quality services. The framework notes with concern that current government monitoring is focusing on internal government processes and the voice of citizens is largely absent (The Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, 2013).

Objectives of the study
The objectives of this study are:
• To determine the levels of citizen satisfaction on the services and programs provided by Cogta in KwaZulu-Natal;
• To identify gaps between expected and experienced services by Cogta;

Citizen satisfaction has been acknowledged both internationally and within South Africa, as a platform that gives citizens opportunity to give feedback to government on the their level of satisfaction of service provided by government. To provide a more firm ground, South Africa has developed and created legislative platform such as the Municipal Systems Act, (Act 32 of 2000) which makes provision for public participation and accountability by local government. These two (public participation and accountability) could be seen as fostering and nurturing healthy relationship within democracy where governance is also seen as the responsibility of the general public to continue engaging and holding those entrusted with leadership accountable. The need for continuous engagement between the State and citizens is also again promoted by the South African government which has taken it serious when drafting the National Development Plan which is the key document currently providing direction the country will take to achieve vision 2030. The NDP places emphasis on active citizenry and social activism as necessary for democracy and development. This approach not only places responsibility on the state to actively support and incentivise citizen engagement but also calls on citizens to among other things, seek opportunities, work together, and hold leaders on the society accountable of their actions (The Presidency, 2012). The Public Service Commission (PSC) has also in line with its Constitutional mandate, conducted Citizen Satisfaction Surveys to determine the views of citizens on service delivery (PSC, 2012). The PSC regards these surveys as one of the areas of performance management, as methodology that provides an opportunity to engage citizens on their views regarding government services and further recommends the identified satisfaction drivers and survey tools to be used for further research.


Study approach
In order to effectively and successfully undertake this study, a two-phase approach is necessary for thorough exploration of related issues.

Phase 1: The first phase is deemed crucial to pursue a secondary data analysis in a form of desk-top review of existing departmental data and surveys undertaken at municipal level within KwaZulu-Natal. This approach will assist in determining the tools and approaches employed as well as providing information on which citizens are used and what drivers of satisfaction are explored in these surveys. Further to that will be a documentary analysis of the how municipalities see it beneficial to undertake these surveys.
Phase 2: The second phase will be to obtain direct feedback from citizens through undertaking quantitative research approach using surveys to collect primary data that will determine the level of satisfaction and measure the impact of Cogta services and programs in the lives of KZN citizens.
Each of the above two phases requires different research techniques and processes hence they will be conducted separately.

Development of survey instrument
There are various survey tools that are comprehensively designed for utilisation in undertaking citizen-based satisfaction surveys. Survey questionnaires will be developed based on the outcome of the first phase as well as adapting the existing tools utilised or recommended widely as appropriate to undertake citizen-based surveys. Consultation with all relevant Directorates within Cogta will be done to determine appropriate questions based on their functions

Population and sampling
The population for phase one of the study will be all municipalities within the province to enquire whether or not they have undertaken citizen-based surveys. Sampling within this phase will not be necessary as complete coverage is envisaged. Phase two of the study will definitely require sampling of the entire citizenry of KwaZulu-Natal. In order to achieve adequate representation, random sampling will be employed at district municipal level throughout the province based on the Census 2011. It is proposed that 10% sampling be drawn and stratified for local government and any other factors which may become apparent during phase one. Head of household is envisaged to give adequate representation and will eliminate issues of bias such as gender representation.

COGTA KwaZulu-Natal undertook a full scale research project in order to identify and address issues related to Citizens Satisfaction as it pertains to service delivery in KwaZulu-Natal Province. Using examples from the case study, outline and explain the elements of the research process that underpins a full scale research project.
(20 marks)

To collect data from the different municipalities in KZN, COGTA utilised probability sampling technique. Analyse, the various probability sampling techniques that can be employed by COGTA to execute research effectively. (15 marks)

Outline the elements of scientific research. (5 marks)

Answer ANY THREE (3) questions from this section.

QUESTION 2 (20 Marks)

Literature review is an important part of any scientific inquiry. Using examples from the research proposal, explain the functions of literature review when undertaking scientific research.

QUESTION 3 (20 Marks)

Outline clearly the importance of research in the public sector. (5 marks)

Data collection is of cardinal importance to research in general. In the public sector, questionnaires are frequently used for research purposes and data collection. Discuss the use of the questionnaire as a primary data collection instrument and identify the advantages and disadvantages of such a method. (15 marks)

QUESTION 4 (20 Marks)

Research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed to solve problems. It is the overall operational pattern or framework of the project that stipulates what information is to be collected, from which sources, and with what procedures. Discuss the essentials of a good research design.
(10 marks)

Explain the data analysis process. (10 marks)

 Coding
 Categorisation
 Entering the data

QUESTION 5 (20 Marks)

Your Master’s Research Proposal is due for defence to the Higher Degrees Committee of the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA). As part of the data collection method, you have chosen the interview method. Provide an explanation how you would go about conducting an interview in your study. (10 marks)

Using relevant examples, discuss the following terms used in research in the public sector: (10 marks)

  • Replicability;
  • Independent variable;
  • Chi-Square Analysis;
  • Rigor; and
  • Dispersion.

Answers to Above Questions on  Research Proposal

Answer 1: 

There are different elements that comprise a complete research. The important elements of a full scale research in case of the given research on citizen satisfaction survey are indicated below:
1) identification of problem: The initial phase of a project is to identify the problem and in case of the given research, the main problem is to identify the satisfaction level of citizen with the services and programs provided by Cogta in KwaZulu Natal.


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