- “The last three decades have seen an increasing focus on assessment (see, for instance, Wiliam 2007; Suurtamm et al. 2016). From a strong focus on examinations and knowledge-based assessments, assessments for learning, national tests, and international comparative studies have gradually entered the scene. Today a wide range of different assessment formats and purposes exist” (Norvedt&Buschholtz, 2018: 555).
- With reference to the statement above, critically discuss the changes that have taken place in the assessment of mathematics in the past 30 years. Focus your discussion on aspects such as ‘knowledge-based assessment’, ‘assessments for learning’ and ‘international comparative studies such as TIMMS’.
- Evaluate the merits of these different types of assessment as well as their shortcomings.
- Select an active learning strategy such as problem-solving, problem-based learning, cooperative learning or any other active learning strategy. Critically discuss the assessment of mathematics tasks in which one (or more) of these active learning strategies are used. Evaluate the new and different assessment strategies that are required to assess such tasks.
- The principle of constructive alignment emphasises that learning outcomes, teaching-learning activities and assessment are always closely aligned with each other. Critically evaluate the role that mathematics tasks and appropriate integrated assessment play, in achieving constructive alignment.
Answers to Above Questions
Answer 1: Assessments are an important way of evaluating the learning of a student in a particular course. There are different ways utilised by a lecturer in order to evaluate the overall learning of a student throughout a particular semester. The method of assessments is changing continuously over the period of the last three decades, with increasing relevance given to assessment for learning, national tests and international comparative studies. In relation to the subject of mathematics, there is significant change identified with respect to the methods of assessment in the last 30 years. The analysis includes an evaluation of changes in the assessment of mathematics with specific emphasis on knowledge based assessment, assessment for learning and international comparative studies….

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