LSH4801 Advanced Medical Microbiology

QUESTION 1 [20] 1.1 Explain why respiratory viral diseases are so difficult to control. In your response, outline the influence that the viral diseases have on the development of vaccines to prevent these diseases. (10) 1.2 In your own words, explain what “herd immunity’’ is and how it relates to mandatory vaccination. (10) QUESTION 2 [20] 2.1 Discuss how Vibrio cholerae uses quorum sensing for […]

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BPT1501 As a teacher in the school with a dual medium instruction Answers

QUESTION 1 Read the given passage below and indicate whether Ms Optimism acted professionally or not. Give three reasons to support your stance. (10) As a teacher in the school with a dual medium instruction, Ms Optimism was comfortable because she could communicate proficiently in both languages. The medium of instruction in Ms Optimism’s school were English and Afrikaans. However, in 1997 the demographics of […]

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NST2601 Natural science and Technology for classroom Answers

QUESTION 1: [10 MARKS] List and explain three (3) specific aims of Natural Science and Technology. QUESTION 2: [30 MARKS] 2.1 Provide six (6) reasons why teachers should assess learners as a teacher. (6) 2.2 Name and explain four (4) types of assessment in learning activities that you would plan for your Grade 4 learners. (24) QUESTION 3: [30 MARKS] 3.1 Explain why indigenous knowledge […]

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LPL4802 Law of Damages Assignment Answers

QUESTION 1: NATURE AND ASSESSMENT OF NON-PATRIMONIAL LOSS (INJURY TO PERSONALITY) Study the case on Syce and Another v Minister of Police (1119/2022) [2024] ZASCA 30 and answer the questions below. Your answer must be presented in an essay format. It will be marked according to the rubric annexed with this question paper. You must attach the rubric immediately after your answer, and not at the […]

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The Constitutional Court of South Africa in the case Answers

QUESTION 1 The Constitutional Court of South Africa in the case of Sidumo v Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd & Others 2007 12 BLLR 1097 (CC) devised a new test to be applied when determining the fairness of the dismissal. Discuss the case of Sidumo in the prescribed format (facts, legal question, reasons for the decision or ratio decidendi and the findings of the case) and […]

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PRL5905 Advanced Property Law Assignment Answers

The below excerpt is taken from Z Boggenpoel, ‘Applying the Mandament van Spolie in the Case of Incorporeals: Two Recent Examples from Case Law’ (2015) 1 TSAR 76, 77: [C]ourts have had difficulty in trying to establish what constitutes possession in the case of incorporeals. Consequently, the application of the possession requirement with incorporeals has not always been consistent and there seem to be conflicting judgments […]

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BSW3703 Community Work Assignment Answers

Question 1 Discuss community work and community development (16 marks) Discuss the difference between community work and community development. (4 marks) Question 2 Identify and discuss five community work theories/approaches. (20 marks) Question 3 Identify and discuss five community practice models (20 marks) Question 4 Identify and discuss five phases of the community work process according to Only Study guide for BSW3703 (20 marks) Question […]

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CMY4804 Criminality and Security Science Assignment Answers

Risk prediction and prospects of recidivism are key components within criminological evaluation and risk assessment of offender(s). QUESTION Discuss the principal role of a criminologist in South Africa regarding the following: (a) The role, contribution, focus areas and ‘niche’ areas. (30) (b) The criminologist’s focus areas regarding pre-sentence evaluation reports. (30) (c) The criminologist’s focus areas regarding criminal profiling. (40) Total: [100] In this assignment, […]

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Understanding the Concept of Family Answers

Task 1 (40) Understanding the Concept of “Family.” This task aims to define and reflect on the concept of “family,” to reflect on personal experiences and beliefs related to family, and to consider the diversity of family structure and how they shape individuals and communities. Write a short essay on “family” that’s at least 500 words. Discuss what family means to you and include the […]

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HFL1501 South African Legal Systems Answers

QUESTION 1 1.1 Read the following statement and answer the question that follows: “South Africa has an uncodified legal system.” In your own words, discuss how this fact impacts on a lawyer who is searching for a remedy with regard to a legal question. (4) 1.2 Name one country of which you have learned in this module that has a codified legal system. (1) [5] QUESTION […]

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