Asia Pacific University is a well-known private university located in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. Currently, the university has more than 500 staffs and they are attached to different departments and schools. Example of departments are Finance department and Academic department. Example of schools under the Academic department are School of Computing and School of Information Technology. In general, the staffs in each school can be […]
Posted: February 17, 2023
ONLINE FOOD ORDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (OFOMS) Section A: Program Specification SPIDERMAN ONLINE FOOD SERVICES (SOFS) is one of the fast-growing Online Food Service in Malaysia which help customer to save their time by ordering food online from their place. SOFS decided to enhance their online order services by including different kinds of dishes on one click. SOFS requires you to develop application for the OFOMS […]
Posted: September 15, 2022