Question 1
Based on the industrial visit, carry out an individual academic study into your observations and assessment of the facilities’ emergency preparedness and response planning. You are expected to examine the emergency plans, evacuation procedures, incident response procedures, and management strategies of the facilities (unlimited to the scope of this course) and illustrate in your TMA-Report how the respective facility play their part in the overall preparedness of the Jurong Island Industry Community as follows:
(a) Facility 1, Emergency Authority: SCDF Banyan Fire Station (BYFS).
Established in 2010, BYFS has a staff strength of 80 trained emergency response personnel operating in 3 rota (shift-system). Headed by the Station Commander,
BYFS is equipped with emergency appliances such as Fire Engines, Red Rhinos, Fire Bike, Combined Platform Ladder, Foam Tender, Foam Pods, HazMat Pod, HazMat Decon Pod, Hazmat Support Vehicle, Clothing Pod, Pod Carriers, Large Monitor Vehicles, Large Pumps, and Hose Laying Truck.
Being faced with a potential threat scenario of a full-surface tank fire, BYFS is also equipped with special equipment such as the 2000 GPM (gallon-per-minute) monitor. Together with Jurong Island Fire Station (JIFS), the SCDF covers all the oil refineries, petrochemical industries and chemical plants in the Jurong Island Industry.
During the visit, you need to analyse and establish understanding of the unit’s nature of operation, area of operational coverage, pre-determined response resources, level of competency of the standby personnel, standard and specialized appliances and equipment, unit’s incident management structure, incident response procedures, and readiness outreach programs, if any.
(b) Facility 2, Private Industry: Jurong Port Universal Terminal (JPUT).
JPUT is one of the largest independent petroleum storage terminals in Asia Pacific located amid the expanding Jurong Island Industrial Estate (JIIE). The site offers excellent accessibility by water
and by land transport with 78 storage tanks and 15 berths, capable of handling 2 fully laden Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) simultaneously. For quality, security, and safety control, the facility is well-equipped with central monitoring of all tanks and systems with 24/7 integrated supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system and closed-circuit television (CCTV) system to monitor tank level, pressure and other parameters.
During the visit, you need to analyse and establish understanding of the company’s nature of business, associated hazard-scenarios, tier level classification, level of competency of the company emergency response team (CERT) with respect to the SCDF’s National CERT Standard requirements, company’s incident management structure, occupants’ evacuation and CERT incident response procedures, readiness outreach programs, and mutual aid participation, if any.
(c) The Industrial Community: Jurong Island Industrial Estate (JIIE).
JIIE is the amalgamation of seven small islands, namely Merlibau, Merbau, Chawan, Sakra, Seraya, Pesek, and Pesek Kecil into Jurong Island 1.0. The island was further
extended through land reclamation into the current Jurong Island 2.0 covering 10 clusters with the addition of Tembusu, Angsana, and Banyan. Today, the Jurong Island Industry is an integrated island-complex housing many of the world’s leading energy and chemical companies. Today, Jurong Island Industry hosts over 95 global companies including heavyweights such as Shell,
ExxonMobil, Chevron, DuPont, BASF, Sumitomo Chemicals and Mitsui Chemicals. To date, the Jurong Island Industry has drawn cumulative fixed asset investments of over S$30 billion and employs about 8,000 people as of date from a vibrant portfolio of companies such as Air Products, Celanese, Chemical Specialties, Chevron (JV partner in SRC), Chevron Oronite, Chevron Philips, DuPont, Eastman Chemical, ExxonMobil, Huntsman, Invista, Rohm & Haas, Tate & Lyle, etc.
During the visit, you need to analyse and establish understanding about how the overall preparedness of the Jurong Island Industry was built; drawing from the inquiries during the visit to Facility 1 and Facility 2; as well as additional research from the relevant websites. Your research should discuss potential hazard-scenarios of the Jurong Island Industry, the concept of preparedness, readiness outreach programs, mutual aid and community self-help programs, and major incident joint operation management structure, if any (See Note 1).
Get completed answers on questions from Emergency Planning
Answer 1:
An emergency may arise at any point of time and it is important to have a proper emergency response plan in advance so that any kind of emergency can be effectively dealt with. The purpose of the visit to Banyan fire station is to evaluate the nature of operations carried out at the fire station, and to perform an evaluation of appliances and equipment used by the fire station. It also includes an evaluation of the incident response procedures followed by the station and readiness of any outreach programs.

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