Question 1
a) Appraise, compare and contrast the legal frameworks, processes and practices on collective bargaining and industrial disputes resolution in Singapore and Germany. Appraise and highlight the similarities and differences between the two countries. [Your answer should focus on collective bargaining and disputes resolution. It is not about comprehensively listing the employment benefits and labour welfare as provided in the employment-related laws in the two countries although you may want to provide the statutory terms and benefits as the context, as they can define the boundaries/areas for collective bargaining]. (Maximum 800 words. Total 20 marks, 10 marks for each country)
b) Assess and explain the key factors that have influenced and shaped the laws and practices on collective bargaining and industrial disputes resolution in Singapore and Germany respectively. You may want to consider the historical, political, economic, ideological, societal and other unique factors in making your assessment. (Maximum 700 words. Total 20 marks: 10 marks for each country) (40 marks)
Question 2
During the lessons, you had gone through and gained some understanding of the legal frameworks, policies, processes and practices on employment matters, collective bargaining and industrial disputes resolution in Singapore, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan and Malaysia. Recommend at least FOUR (4) ideas/changes that should and can be adopted in Singapore. Justify why they should and can be adopted in Singapore. (Maximum 700 words. Total 20 marks. If you give more than 4 recommendations, the 4 with the higher marks will be used) (20 marks)
Question 3
a) Appraise the legal and ethical aspects and issues of recruitment in Singapore. Why is there ethical consideration in recruitment? Judge the plausible events that generate ethical concern. [You should answer in 3 areas: (i) Legal Aspect, (ii) Why is there ethical consideration in recruitment? and (iii) Plausible events that generate ethical concern.] (Maximum 600 words. 15 marks)
b) Propose measures and ways (at least 5, the more the better) for companies to prevent or minimise unethical practices in recruitment. Explain how the recommendations will help. (Maximum 600 words. 15 marks) (30 marks)
Answers to Above Questions on Employment Law
Answer 1: Collective bargaining and industrial dispute resolution are the important concepts that are applicable in case of labor relations and Employment law. They are significant from the point of view of guiding the ways in which an employer needs to manage harmonious relations with their employees. A comparative analysis of the collective bargaining and industrial dispute resolution in Singapore and Germany is performed as follows:

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