You are required to analyse a company’s Corporate Governance Report and Sustainability report (Most Singapore Exchange (SGX) top listing companies produce a Corporate Governance report and Sustainability report). Your selected company must be listed on the SGX top 200 lists. The length of the assignment would be 1500-2000 words. The format of the assignment is down to your style of analytical writing, and research efforts; however, the assignment should provide an analysis of the following components:
- A brief background of the selected company’s Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)/sustainability policy and strategy.
- Critically evaluate corporate governance mechanisms undertaken by the company, such as Board structure, risk management, audit committee, etc. Have you noticed any changes in governance practice during this COVID-19 Pandemic? Apply theoretical and practical implications of accounting on these covid-19 governance responses undertaken by the company.
- Critically evaluate the sustainability/CSR activities undertaken by the company during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Apply theoretical and practical implications of accounting on these covid-19-related CSR activities.
- You must use contemporary academic literature to support your arguments and proper reference (Harvard referencing style).
Note that students must inform the KAPLAN lecturer about their selected company. The maximum word limit of the assignment is 2000 words (Plus minus 10%). Format: 11 front, times new roman, space 1.5-inch, Reference: Harvard style.
Answers to the Above Questions
Corporate governance is defined as a system that involves the control and regulation of companies. Sustainability performance on the other hand is defined as the management of activities in an organisation in a way that results in minimum impact on the environment and it gives a perfect balance between profitability and environment. Businesses in the 21st century are required to operate in a sustainable way and should ensure that their business processes have minimal or no impact on the environment. Businesses are also required to provide the sustainability report indicating all the sustainable measures undertaken by them during a financial year. In this relation, the company that is selected for the purpose of analysing its corporate governance report and sustainability report is Singapore Airlines………

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