In this modern day and age, Information Technology (IT) plays a big role. However, if you are not in the field of IT, you might not know just how IT touches your life. IT plays a role in a number of different fields such as education, business, healthcare, finance, transportation and many more. IT is the use of systems for storing, retrieving and sending information. This can include the use of software, hardware, applications and so much more.
Do a research about IT in online food delivery. Then discuss the information which contains the following requirements:
(a) How does IT assist in Malaysian online food delivery? Justify your answer with appropriate examples.
(b) How does online food delivery affect Malaysia’s economy? Justify your answer and support with appropriate examples.
(c) Identify TWO examples of online food delivery application (e.g.; FoodPanda application) that YOU have used before. Discuss YOUR experience of using these applications. The discussions have to be from YOUR own experience (DO NOT copy from other sources), which include of:
• Introduction and background of the application. Support with a diagram, screenshots or illustration.
• What were the TWO reasons you used the application? Discuss in detail.
• Suggestions for improving the application’s features based on your preferences.
• The detail specifications of software, hardware, device or connectivity (Internet) required to run the application.

Answer to Above Questions

Answer a: Information Technology plays a crucial role in each and every type of industry. The role of information technology is also highly significant in the case of online food delivery business models. This is mainly because the entire ordering process including the tracking of delivery is performed with the help of Information Technology. The ways in which information technology assists Malaysian online food delivery are….

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