Ms J, 16-year-old comes to emergency department with chest tightness, dyspnoea, and wheezing. Ms J has a history of asthma.She used her Ventolin inhaler at home prior to coming to the hospital but is not using it on a regular basis due to his mother utilizing alternative therapies to manage Ms J’s asthma.
- Discuss the specific respiratory assessment to Ms J.
- Explain the health education that the nurse would give to the patient and family members at the time of treatment commenced.
Answer to Above Question
Answer 1: There are certain specific steps that need to be carried out in order to perform a thorough respiratory assessment. As a part of respiratory assessment, it is important to perform inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation along with a thorough comprehensive health history of the patient. In the given case scenario of Ms J, as a part of respiratory assessment, it is important to carry out history taking process first, an assessment of vital signs such as measuring J’s blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, as well as oxygen saturation.
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