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IBMA8411 International Business and Management Assignment Answers

Question 1 (Marks: 100) Read the two cases below and answer the question as indicated. Case 1: Famous Brands Expansion The Famous Brands Group listed in 1994 with one brand and a limited supply chain. Today our enterprise consists of, among others, 2 824 restaurants and about 3 968 employees in three geographic regions. Our progress shows how Famous Brands has grown from a modest […]

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BMG306/03 Introduction to International Business Answers

Multinational Companies in Malaysia One of the primary reasons MNCs are eager to set up a business base in Malaysia is due to the lower operational costs involved. Malaysia is the third largest economy in South East Asia and has now become an upper middle income and export-oriented economy. Being a multi-ethnic, multilingual and multicultural society certainly has opened a lot of doors for Malaysia, […]

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BMG306/03 Introduction to International Business Assignment Answers

Demographic changes and international trade Demography is the study of the structure of human populations – their size, age composition, gender mix, growth and so on. Changes in the population, age and gender mix of the world’s major economies suggests that major changes are predicted for the world economy. Owing to better health care, education and hygiene, major world economies now face the challenge of […]

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