Blogs on Assignments, Essays and Dissertations

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PMIC5111w Microeconomics Assignment Answers

Question 1 (Marks: 100) The purpose of this assignment is: • to guide you in developing a good understanding of the nature and importance of the field of Economics; and • to build a solid understanding of the microeconomic principles of demand and supply. You have been tasked with developing a research report based on an economy of your choice anywhere in the world. The […]

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Economics 1 (HECO130-1) Assignment Answers

SECTION A [55 marks] QUESTION 1 (10 Marks) Convert the following decimals into a percentage: a) 0.66 (1 mark) b) 1.75 (1 mark) c) 0.015 (1 mark) d) 0.001 (1 mark) The revenue of Thabo’s enterprise over two years is shown below. Calculate the percentage change in revenue from 2021 to 2022 Year 2021 2022 Revenue R1 500 000 R 1800 000 (3 Marks) Simplify the […]

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Economics Assignment Answers Regent Business School

QUESTION ONE [30] Discuss the consumer equilibrium condition according to utility theory. (10) Discuss the concept of returns to scale in specific relation to the diagram below: (13) Differentiate between the market supply of labour curve and the individual supply of labour curve. (7) QUESTION TWO [30] Discuss the nature of the goods produced by firms in the following market structures: Perfect competition (4) Monopoly […]

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Economics 1 Assignment Answers

QUESTION ONE [30] Discuss price floors as a form of government intervention in a free market. Use examples to motivate your answer. (8) Question 1.2 is based on the diagram below representing the free market for a good. How does this free market adjust if it is in the shaded green area. (5) Demonstrate that a complete outward shift of the production possibility frontier for […]

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Economics 511 Assignment Answers South Africa

Question 1 (30 MARKS) In 2019, we counted 5,287 stores, including the more ‘vague’ tallies such as Chicken Licken’s “over 200 stores” and Roman’s Pizza’s “over 220 stores”. We also included smaller shops like Sausage Saloon and King Pie for the first time. When it comes to fast food, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is by some margin the most prolific brand in the country, with […]

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MEC901 Managerial Economics Assignment Answer

Question 1 (20 Marks) As a policy analyst employed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), you are required to prepare a report that is focused on the rapidly rising worldwide public debt levels. The report will cover several countries in both the developing and the developed world (South Africa, Japan, USA, China, Sri Lanka and Greece). Critically evaluate the possible (short and long term) impact […]

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Business Statistics 511 Assignment Answers South Africa

QUESTION ONE  (30 MARKS) What is the probability that a card drawn at random from a deck of cards will be an ace? (4) What is the probability that the total of two dice will be greater than 9 given that the first die is a 6? (4) Someone draws a card at random out of a deck, replaces it, and then draws another card […]

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Economics 511 Assignment Answers South Africa

Question 1 Uber is one of the giant private corporations in the United States, and its mobile app allows consumers to arrange transportation using a smartphone. Uber is currently operating in more than 60 countries thanks to new technology and the fluidity of mobile connectivity.Uber Technologies Inc. collects customer requests and routes them to nearby drivers who can serve them (with location and final destination […]

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Economics 512: Argentina Inflation Speeds Up Assignment Answers

Argentina Inflation Speeds Up, Prompting Government Crackdown Argentina’s inflation accelerated last month at the fastest pace since President Alberto Fernandez took office in late 2019, prompting the government to tighten its unorthodox controls over companies. Consumer prices rose 4.2% in March from February, according to the median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg ahead of Thursday’s release. Economy Minister Martin Guzman said Wednesday that inflation […]

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ECO2004S School of Economics – University of Cape Town

South Africa is set to emerge from the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis weaker than when it entered it despite its solid response to the pandemic, says a World Bank report released today. The report suggests simultaneously implementing policies that preserve macroeconomic stability, revitalize the jobs market, and improve the investment climate to build a more inclusive economy after the pandemic. The World Bank projects the gross […]

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