In pairs/ groups of 3 complete the following ICE tasks:

Provide a visual representation of the reading process. Clearly explain the purpose of each stage and what the teacher and learners need to be doing during each stage.
Conduct some research and find three poems on ancient Egypt suitable for Grade 5 learners. Explain why you selected each poem. Provide five response-to-text questions for each poem. ICE 3
Conduct some research and find two short stories on ancient Egypt suitable for Grade 5 learners. Motivate for the suitability of each short story. Describe how you could introduce each short story to your learners. Include in your description the use of technology, in particular gamification.

Create an infographic with the following information:
– Detail on the necessity and importance of reading.
– Specific ways to create exciting approaches to teaching the novel to learners in your IP classroom.
– Strategies to make provision for diversity when teaching the novel.
– Provide a list of 3 novels that would be suitable for IP learners (1 per grade)

Part 1 — Poetry (Marks: 30)

Shortly after you arrived at the school, Sharon sent you the following email:
Dear colleague
I hope you are enjoying our school. Next week, I am teaching a poetry lesson to the Grade 5 learners. They struggle with understanding and writing poems. I wish we could skip this altogether. Our theme for social science is ‘An ancient African society: Egypt’ so I thought we could make them read and write poems on that topic to also help their understanding of ancient Egypt. Here are the LOs for the reading and viewing lesson:

(DBE, 2011:61)
Can you plan some resources for this please. Warmly

Your task:
Reply to Sharon’s email. Include in your response the following:
Motivate for the importance of teaching poetry to IP learners. (4)
Conduct some research and compile a mini-anthology of four poems about different aspects of ancient Egypt. Two poems should be suitable for listening and speaking lessons and two poems for reading and viewing lessons for Grade 5 learners.
In not more than 2 paragraphs (150-200 words), explain why you selected the poems and how they are suitable to develop those language skills.
Copy and paste the poems, and remember to reference them correctly as per your IIE
Harvard Referencing Guide. In addition, you can include the links to the poems. (8)

Describe how you could introduce the poem to your learners (4)
Design a post-reading worksheet that learners will complete to assess their understanding of the poem. Include language and vocabulary development as well as questions relating to the structure of the poem. Your worksheet should also include an activity for learners to experiment with writing poems. Ensure that your LOs are being assessed. (10)
Include a marking memorandum for the worksheet. (4)

Part 2 — Short story (Marks: 40)

Following the success of the poetry resources that you designed, Sharon sent the following email to you:
Hi there
I am very grateful for your help with the Ancient Egypt poetry resources. Learners seem to be making connections, so I would like to continue this theme and do a short story. I have no idea where or how to find one that our learners will enjoy. Any ideas? Also, ideas for the lesson will be
great Warmly SH

Your task:
Respond to Sharon’s email and include the following in your response:
Find a short story based on the ancient Egypt theme. Your story should fall under the folklore genre. Provide Sharon with a list of criteria that you used to evaluate the suitability of the short story. (7)
Design an introductory pre-reading activity to help learners identify various elements in the short story. Your activity should include gamification by using a suitable online application such as Mentimeter/Slido etc. Copy and paste the link for the activity as well as screenshots of each question and feedback. (10)
Describe how you will use group work in your post-reading activities for your selected short story to cater to FAL and underperforming learners. Design an example of an activity to illustrate your description. You should include the wording of the activity as you would give it to the learners and, if needed, details about what needs to be done to execute the group work. (8)
Create a writing task using your short story as a springboard, that includes the implementation of basic techniques used in short story writing. (8)
Design a rubric to assess the writing task. (7)

You must refer to your CAPS document (DBE, 2011:62) when creating your writing task (2.4) and rubric. (2.5)

Part 3 – Novel (Marks: 30)

Your task:
During break in the staff room, Sharon expressed her delight at the learners’ positive responses to your ideas and said that she was feeling inspired. She shared with you an idea for a novel based on ancient Egypt that she would like to read with the learners. However, she explained that she was struggling with thinking creatively when planning this lesson.

This is an extract from the novel “The Egyptian Cinderella” by Shirley Climo:

During your studies, you learnt about the process to follow in reading through the novel and analysing features like, setting, narration and voice, perspective, characterisation, plot and themes, and the identification of gender stereotypes in novels.

With this in mind, complete the following tasks:
Design an activity to introduce your learners to this novel. Your activity should incorporate a YouTube video. Copy and paste the link for the video and explain how it will be used. (5)
Design a response-to-text worksheet to assess learners’ understanding of the text. Include an activity that incorporates the development of speaking skills as per the CAPS document (refer to DBE, 2011:63). Integrate language and vocabulary development and incorporate a type of group work such as think, pair, share, jigsaw, etc. in your worksheet and speaking activity design. (15)
Create a conclusion for your lesson. Your conclusion should include gamification by using a suitable application such as Mentimeter/Slido, etc. Copy and paste the link for the activity as well as screenshots of each question and feedback. (10)

Answers to Above Questions on English Language

Answer 1: The visual representation of the reading process is indicated below:


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