Influence of emotions and mood on job performance
By Fausto Felix (MBA, Specialist in Planning and Strategies, Law Degree)

Mood and emotions, what do they mean?
The emotions
They are organic reactions of the body that manifest variable moods of the individual, according to the internal and external influences that the person experiences. Emotions start from an organic concept, that is, from the body itself, in which its reactions can be appreciated through the expression of the feelings that are generated, according to the lived experience (Neumann, et al, 2015).
When a feeling of fear is experienced, emotionally the individual has to become worried, regardless of whether that concern can be expressed expressively or passively. If the expressive manifestation, your environment will have to notice actions that could be described as nervous (popularly nervousness); if the exposure of their fear is done through passive manifestation, the absence of physical expressions will be noticeable but their behavior or actions denote erratic types of behavior (Neumann, et al, 2015).

The state of mind

It is the way in which an individual can express feelings that are emotionally opposed or directly related to each other, regardless of how their mental faculties are affected when manifesting this type of behavior (Kenworthy, et al, 2011).
Emotions are rooted in the individual’s psyche and according to the degree of development and mastery that he has acquired over his being, he will be able to master his remnants or allow himself to be dominated by them. This type of factor is highly influenced by the feelings developed internally by the individual or by those external factors that influence it (Kenworthy, et al, 2011).
There are those who think that these two types of feelings, emotions and state of mind, have an affective relationship, while for other researchers they may be behaviors determined by the individual’s psyche (Isen, 1990). Starting from these two concepts, it is related that in emotions the origin of the affect that emotive them can be identified, while in moods they do not need to know the origin of their actions to manifest themselves (Neumann, & Seibt, 2015).


1. Emotions and moods are an important part of our personal lives and work lives. Various scholars have adopted and used the Affective Events Theory (AET) to explain how emotions influence job performance and satisfaction.

1.1 Use scientific literature todescribe and explain how emotions and moods influence job performance and job satisfaction according to the Affective Events Theory (AET) (4)

1.2 Provide your own example of a scenario wherein emotions can influence a person’s job satisfaction and/or job performance in an organisational setting. (2)

1.3 Assume that you are a manager at an HR consulting firm. Part of your responsibility as a team leader is to assist the hiring department in drawing interview questions that would assist the company in hiring suitable individuals for various roles in accordance with their emotional intelligence. Critically discuss the role of emotions and moods in (a) the selection process, and (b) the use of emotional intelligence psychometric tools (4)

1.4 Emotional Intelligence plays a critical role in organisational behaviour. Several studies suggest that Emotional Intelligence is linked to job performance. Use scholarly articles to discuss how Emotional Intelligence contributes towards organisational performance.


THEME: How the Big Five Personality Traits Influence Work Behavior
People have often researched what it is that makes us behave the way we do. Behaviours can come from different influences like environmental factors or personality traits. Many different theories and models on personality traits exist, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that separates people out into 16 different personalities. Another model is the Big Five Personality Model (OCEAN), which puts forth the idea that human personality is made up of five basic dimensions. According to Robbins et al. (2019), there is an enamours body of research that supports thesis of the Big Five Model – that five basic dimensions underlie all others and encompass most of the significant variation in human personality.

In addition to your textbook, you may research and consult the following articles to effectively address the questions in this assignment:

2.1 Use scientific literature to discuss five (5) key strengths of the Big Five Personality Model in organisational behaviour (10)

2.2 Use scientific literature to critically evaluate the role of personality traits on organisational performance. (10)

Answers to Above Questions on Mood and Emotions

Answer 1: The affective events theory is an important theory that explains the relationship between workplace events and employee emotions. It is mainly the workplace events that account for affecting the emotional responses within individuals and these emotions ultimately affect their attitude and behaviour towards work. An analysis of the ways in which emotions and moods influences job performance and job satisfaction through the application of Affective events theory is performed as follows:

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