TOPIC 1: Integrated Marketing Communication to Build Brand Equity


You are a brand management specialist who has been invited to a Strategic Brand Management Symposium to deliver a talk on integrating marketing communications to build brand equity. In light of this and with the aid of practical examples, you are required to fully discuss the marketing communication options that are available to marketers to use in their efforts to inform, persuade and remind consumers (both directly and indirectly) about the brands that they sell. Further to this, outline some of the challenges that marketers face in designing brand-building communications.

TOPIC 2: Packaging and branding


In 2010, PUMA had replaced their traditional shoebox with a reusable bag slipped over a recyclable cardboard box. The ‘Clever Little Bag’ was introduced in order to reduce harmful waste associated with paper production, transportation and disposal. PUMA expected to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 10 000 tons per year with the ‘Clever Little Bag’ that uses less packaging and reduces the required water, energy and fuel consumption by more than 60 percent a year. This initiative had positive effects for the brand in terms of enhancing brand equity.

In light of the above and with the use of relevant examples, fully discuss the importance of packaging in building brand equity, its role in brand communication and outline the challenges that marketers face with regard to the packaging and labeling of their consumer brands. In addition, discuss the concept of ‘smart packaging’ and the benefits that it presents to both marketers and consumers.

TOPIC 3: Designing and Implementing Brand Architecture Strategies


According to Keller (2013), the brand architecture defines both brand boundaries and brand complexity and a brand hierarchy visually illustrates the possible relationships that can be formed among the firm’s products through the selection of common and distinctive brand elements.

Discuss the levels of a brand hierarchy, as well as the guidelines for designing a brand hierarchy. In addition, discuss the stages of McEnally and de Chernatony’s Goodyear Brand Lifecycle Model. Further to this, discuss the concept of Corporate Branding, the corporate image dimensions, as well as the issues that marketers need to consider when managing corporate brands.

TOPIC 4: Measuring Sources of Brand Equity: Capturing Customer Mind-Set


According to Keller (2013), understanding the current and desired brand knowledge structures of consumers is vital to effectively building and managing brand equity. A number of detailed, sophisticated research techniques and methods now exist to help marketers better understand consumer knowledge structures. Qualitative measures are best used to provide in-depth insight into what specific brands, products, and services mean to consumers. Quantitative measures, on the other hand, are particularly useful to obtaining general information about consumers.

Fully discuss the effective qualitative research techniques for tapping into consumer brand knowledge. In addition, identify and discuss the effective quantitative research techniques that can be utilised for measuring brand awareness, image, responses, and relationships.

Answers to Above Questions on Strategic Brand Management

Answer 1: Integrated Marketing Communication is one of the key requirements in building brand equity. It is the effective marketing communication strategy that allows an organisation to communicate with its target customers, by informing them about the products and persuading them to make a purchase. There are different important marketing communication options available to marketers and they have specific challenges as well. An analysis of different options including the challenges faced by marketers when designing brand building communication is performed as follows:

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