Caselet/ Scenario
EquiSupp is a multinational company (MNC) from Australia that manufactures and supplies various consumer goods. It has recently set up a regional office and satellite factory in South Africa as part of its expansion into the African region. You were employed as a research assistant at EquiSupp’s research and development department. It is initiating a project to investigate the needs and preferences of the African market. Its goal is to develop oralhygiene careproducts specificallydesigned tomeetthedemandsoftheAfricanmarket,startingwiththesub-Saharanregion.This researchprojectwillbecarriedoutinfourcountriesasastart:SouthAfrica,Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia.
Your department has tasked you and two interns to produce a proposal on how the research will be carried out. As part of the research project documentation, a consent form needs to be developed. The research proposal has been drafted with all the relevant information included. The next stage is to develop the accompanying documents, such as the research questionnaire and the informed consent form. You discover that the interns do not know what is contained within a consent form or its importance. To assist in bridging this gap and sharing knowledge, you decide to develop an infographic of an informed consent form to help you explain to the interns what it is, what it contains, its importance, and to relate it to the project that you are planningtoundertake.Additionally,youalsosuggesttotheresearchmanagerthatthe infographic can be incorporated as part of the study materials.
Develop an infographic of an informed consent form for the research project that includes all the relevant information that should be contained therein.
Conduct some preliminary research on infographics so that you understand what you are required to do.
Answers to Above Questions on EquiSupp Case Study
Answer 1: The development of infographic on the above EquiSupp Case Study is performed as follows:
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