Question 1 (Marks: 30) Learner‐centred methods focus on learners’ active involvement in learning activities and not on the teacher’s teaching (Felder & Brent, 2009). Inductive teaching and learning methods have repeatedly proved to be better than the traditional approach, as learners retain information for a longer time, develop critical thinking skills and understand the content in‐depth (Lewis & Reinders, 2008). Learner‐centred teaching methods include discovery learning; where learners answer and formulate questions of their own, solve problems, debate, discuss, explain or brainstorm in groups during class. Cooperative learning, where learners work in teams on problems. Finally, problem‐solving learning; where questions or problems are posed to learners and they are required to use critical thinking skills to solve these problems.
[De Jager, 2014]

Explain learner‐centred methods of teaching within an Economics learning environment. Your explanation should include the breaking down of various learner‐centred methods and applying each of these learner‐centred methods to an economics scenario.

Question 2:

Discuss the following statement

“Working in groups within the classroom environment improves reasoning, critical thinking skills and academic performance.

Question 3 (Marks: 30)

Teachers need to be trained on how to implement changing curricula and what methods, strategies and resources to use to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge.

With reference to the above statement, answer the questions that follow:

• Explain the meaning of curriculum.

• Evaluate the Grade 11 Economics curriculum.

Answers to Above Questions on Curriculum

Answer 1: Learner centred method of teaching is an important method that encourages active engagement, critical thinking and active learning. In this learning centred method, the emphasis is on students rather than on teacher, and this approach is highly effective from the point of view of helping students understand complex problems in a better way.

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